Sabtu, 28 Maret 2020

Explanation Text Vs Procedure Text

ExplanationText Vs Procedure Text

A. Procedure Text

     Tittle : How to make galangal rice herb
     Ingredients : 

  • 200 grams of rice.
  • 250 grams of brown sugar
  •  2 joints eat Tamarind.
  •  6 Kencur Section.
  • 2 Ginger segments.
  • 1 Sand Sugar Teaspoon.
  • 1/2 Teaspoon of Salt.
  • 1 liter of water.

      Introduction/step :

First, prepare a container, then wash thoroughly "Rice". Continue to soak in boiled water for one night, drain. then prepare the knife, then comb "Brown Sugar". Set aside.

Prepare a saucepan, then boil "Water. After boiling, input "Brown Sugar", "Tamarind", "Kencur", "Ginger", "Sugar" and "Salt".

Continue boiling until the sugar has dissolved, then strain and set aside the water. Special "Kencur" and "Ginger" do not throw away, save because later it will be used again.

Then prepare the blender then enter "Rice", "Ginger", "Kencur", water and "Lime". Add a little "Sugar Water" before blender until smooth.

Now prepare the container then add the ingredients that have been blended and "Sugar Water", then stir until evenly distributed. Continue filtering and entering the bottles. Finish, serve!

B. Explanation Text

    Tittle : How to make galangal rice herb

    General Statement :

Galangal rice herb (beras kencur) is a typical Javanese refreshing drink. This drink is also classified as a herbal medicine because it has the property to increase appetite. Galangal rice herb is very popular because it has a sweet and fresh taste. The main ingredient of turmeric rice is of course, rice and kencur.
The combination of rice and kencur contains a lot of B vitamins which can stimulate the stomach to give hunger besides kencur rice herbs if taken routinely every day can help thicken the abdominal wall to cure stomach ulcers (for healing ulcers should not be mixed with ginger rhizome and for kawak acid just a little). Sweet taste comes from brown sugar (palm sugar or palm sugar) added. Kencur contributes to the slightly spicy taste that is felt when the galangal rice herb is drunk, to add spicy flavor to the herbal medicine, the galangal rice herb is usually added ginger rhizome to taste.
How to make galangal rice herb 
(beras kencur).

      Sequenced of explanation :

First soak the rice for one night, then peel turmeric, ginger and turmeric. then boil 1 liter of water with brown sugar, ginger, kencur, tamarind, granulated sugar, and salt. Then strain sugar water and set aside the water and kencur and ginger.then blender all ingredients including rice until smooth. Then enter the ingredients that have been blended into sugar water. then wait until the mixture of the ingredients settles and strain the drink and serve according to your taste can be warm or cold